Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gantt Charts

The Gantt chart is a mapping application that I’m very familiar with. There are many software applications out there to help create these charts. They are used regularly to help create a timeline to assist in project management.
A Gantt chart is essentially a bar chart laid on its side. Each bar is a task needed to be accomplished toward the completion of the project. The tasks are usually grouped together by dependency, basically which tasks must be completed before others can begin. An example of such a dependence in the construction field would be that the shell must be erected prior to electric and plumbing rough-in to begin. Each category can then be further broken down into particular tasks like: the walls must be built prior to the roof. The chart helps to spot problems in the timeline if the walls have not been erected by their deadline, than the roof cannot be built and then the electric rough-in can’t begin on time.
In addition to displaying the dependence each task can have on others they also help to show how tasks overlap as well. During a project it is not uncommon for multiple tasks to be performed simultaneously and the chart helps all parties involved know when their part is needed to be completed for the success of the overall project.
Dan Roam describes them on Pg. 111 as " the Gantt chart has stood the test of time as the way to show not where we're going, but how we're going to get there."

 Here is an example of a very basic construction Gantt Chart.

A more advanced Gantt Chart.